Summer Reading Challenge


The Sunland-Tujunga branch of the Los Angeles Public Library was one of the lucky few branches to reopen to the public during the first week of May 2021. Though California still plans on announcing a reopening next week, on June 15, each individual municipality will still make their decisions based on their department of health. This means that the other branches of the LAPL will be awaiting word from Los Angeles City and/or County on how to proceed. That being said, the library is still moving forward with many of its summer staples, including its summer reading program, dubbed the Summer Reading Challenge.

The Summer Reading Challenge is designed to be fun and interactive. It is designed to encourage reading and is aimed at readers of all levels, including early readers, school-age, teens, and even adults. The Sunland-Tujunga branch is offering reading incentives to children to encourage them to read, and there is a prize giveaway for those who complete the Summer Reading Challenge. This year’s theme is Read-Reconnect-Renew-Reimagine.

From the LAPL website:

    Read books, e-books, graphic novels, or listen to an audiobook - it all counts!

    Reconnect with the library this summer!

    Renew your love of reading, learning, and community

    Reimagine the future - discover all the great resources your library has to offer.

In concert with Read-Reconnect-Renew-Reimagine, the library is giving away bookmarks with herb seeds embedded in a yellow sun or other fun shapes. If you or your child wants to grow them, the instructions are simple: plant the shape in soil, water it daily, then watch it grow.

This year there is a game board where they can earn points for reading for 20 minutes, and for completing educational activities. You can also track your progress using the Beanstack app on IOS or ANDROID to keep track of your child’s reading progress.

You can pick up your game board in person at the LIbrarian desk in the library at:

Sunland Tujunga LAPL Branch

7771 Foothill Blvd

Tujunga, CA 91042

If you’re not near the Sunland Tujunga branch, you can find your nearest open branch HERE. You can also download one at home from the LAPL website

The Summer Reading Challenge runs from June 7 through August 7, 2021.

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